2020 / Q3 - Q4
Activity name and description fields now include a language-selection dropdown which gives the ability to edit multilingual fields.
Exposed a list of Enrolment References on the Workflows screen which indicate which enrolments include activities with the given workflow.
Added a description field to the Workflows screen which can be used to provide a written description of how that workflow should be used.
Improved enrolment processing speed for users provisioned via SSO – this change means the user's enrolments will be readily available on first sign-in.
Changed the calculation on Admin dashboards so that the in-progress value is now more accurate.
Fixed an issue where accounts with mixed case email addresses couldn't be activated.
Fixed multiple issues when adding a workflow to a child of a pathway:
Enrolment metadata changes are now updated on the child's status, including whether the enrolment is mandatory.
Removing the pathway from the enrolment now clears the child workflows.
Removing the workflow from the child activity now clears that activity's status.
Re-enabled generation of push notifications which had been temporarily disabled.
Fixed some UI glitches with the admin portal's label creation dialog.
Major overhaul and migration of the Enrolment Workflow screen to the new ClearXP Admin portal:
The workflow configuration screen is now composed of a visual timeline view that will indicate key dates that will trigger actions to occur.
Defining Triggers will now force a date value condition to prevent the accident creation of invalid workflows.
Completion Status and Enrolment Status metrics now display a dropdown of options instead of free-text input which was prone to user errors.
Each trigger contains a human-readable description to make it easier to understand when they will occur – i.e. "5 days before Start Date"
Introduction of a client-configurable manager hierarchy:
Multiple levels of managers can be defined based on flexible rules that will compare a given user's attributes with all other users in the system to determine all levels of management.
All Notifications can now be configured to be sent to either just the learner or a manager at any level in their manager hierarchy.
Tasks can now be assigned to managers at a specific manager level.
A user's managers will be shown on their User Profile screen.
Corrected the calculation of incomplete users in the admin dashboard (previously users who completed after becoming overdue were being counted twice).
Fixed a bug with multiple choice tracking data not being sent correctly when no score defined.
Fixed an issue where badges weren't loading on the user profile screen.
Each email in the Notifications Log can now be expanded to see a preview of the exact email that has been sent out (or is scheduled to be sent).
The Notifications Log can now be filtered by the Push Notification channel.
It's now possible to configure system-defined emails such as the Password Rest, Account Activation and Welcome emails. These emails now also all appear in the notifications log.
The User Profile screen contains a new panel with account information including:
Whether the user has Hub login credentials and if so, what their username is.
If the user has activated their account or not.
A button to re-send the account activation email or if already activated, a password reset email.
The CMS Multiple Choice component can now assign weighted scorings to each possible option.
The Activity Screen now contains the ability to add Rewards that will be earned upon completing an activity.
Rewards can now have a voucher code entered that when earned, will award a barcode/voucher to the learner that can be used to redeem real-world discounts or prizes.
Enrolments now include an option to automatically apply an activity's Start/Due Date and Workflow to any activity children (either immediate or recursive) nested underneath.
Activity Settings can now have system-wide defaults configured for Visibility and Active statuses.
Fixed restoring of selected filters and parameters in reports saved from templates.
Changed workflow content selector to only show activities with attached CMS or page content.
The Activity Screen now shows any Pathways and Enrolments that the activity may be referenced by, including links to these resources. Enrolment references also contain the ability to quick edit within a popup dialog on the same screen.
The Activity Screen's actions menu now contains two new options:
Generate QR Code – will open a popup with a QR Code that can be used to link to the activity.
Clear State Data – can be used to wipe all user progress for the activity.
Reporting improvements including:
All date filters now contain the ability to be filtered by a relative date, such as "1 day ago", "2 weeks ago", or any other user-defined date range.
New metrics for reporting on the active and hidden status of an activity when using the activity data source.
A user's Learning Hub Profile will now include indicators for how many outstanding tasks the user has. This will display in both the profile menu as well as the tasks tab header on the profile screen.
Improved the page load speed when editing a CMS activity with a large number of versions.
Added a sort order to the activity dashboards and labels lists.
Fixed an issue with automatic thumbnail generation for uploaded images not working when the filename's extension contained mixed-case.
New function for manually triggering Hub Notifications from the admin interface which can be used to send additional reminders or ad-hoc messages to enrolled users, individuals or groups.
Added support for editing the email templates for notifications defined in custom triggers added to enrolments.
Exposed a new None option when setting an activity's Start or Due Date – this is useful when you don't know an activity's Start/Due Date until a pre-requisite has first been completed.
Added new options to Bulk Import for importing a Face-to-Face Session settings such as Registration Open/End Dates as well as Cancellation End Date.
Improved the performance of searching for users when impersonating, adding to User Groups, Roles and Face-to-Face Sessions.
Enabled word-wrapping on report tables so that long responses don't stretch the width of the table, improving readability.
Fixed an issue where a completed activity wouldn't launch from a CMS page that was opened outside of the Learning Hub (i.e. native app users).
Completion Dashboard reports can now be sorted by any column
Pivot Report Templates will now display columns generated by the results of the pivot in the UI itself (previously these only appeared in exports).
Multiple Choice questions will now display the selected choice's label in all report output (previously it would show the internal ID of the selected choice which wasn't meaningful to end users).
Bulk Upload of completion data now allows mapping of a column to a comment/response field that will be associated with the imported completion.
When creating new activities, the Activity Settings can now be configured to use a system-wide default of hidden or inactive.
Hub Notifications can now contain messages with custom placeholder text such as {{Activity Name}} and {{User Name}} to include dynamic fields
Improvements to how permission scope is handled in the back-end to allow for better cross-resource security.
Back-end processing of StatementRefs now indexes these across all reporting interfaces so they will appear in
Fixed restoring state for previously uploaded files in the CMS Upload component.
Made a change to links included in emailed reports to prevent a security warning being displayed when opened in Chrome.
Made the Full Screen template more adaptive so it would fit better on mobile devices.
Fixed a memory leak that would cause a browser crash when watching videos over 20 minutes in length and would also slow down the CMS editor if editing for prolonged sessions.
Admin Enhancements
New Workflow Trigger options, including:
New event for listening to an Expression of Interest request
The Assign Content action can now be configured to be assigned a part of a system or manager-assigned enrolment with optional enrolment workflow.
It's now possible to export the full list of users assigned to an enrolment or included as members of a group in CSV format.
CMS Enhancements
The Activity Carousel component can now accept a hierarchical pathway which will display each child of the hierarchy and lock the tiles according configured pre-requisite rules.
New trigger actions for sending an Expression of Interest request as well as disabling buttons.
ClearXP Admin dashboard overhauled for completion reports, including:
The ability to switch dashboard completions to display all historical instead of only enrolled.
Completion records can be drilled into and expanded to show any quiz/survey submissions as well as any attached documents.
Where a course contains an Expiry Date, the Expiry Date will now be shown alongside the Completion Date.
Manager dashboards now also display Expiry Dates and attached documents for completion records in both the Learner drill-down and Activity drill-down views.
Fixed broken deep links on workflow notifications.
Fixed a permission issue when managers attempt to open a private image uploaded by one of their team.
Fixed validation on the CMS Date component that would still allow a quiz to be submitted with an invalid date.
Exposed the ability to deactivate and delete user accounts:
Deactivating a user will disable their login access and filter them out of search results whist preserving all reporting data
Deleting the user will completely remove the user's account and
User search results now contain a sticky header making it easier to align search results with user attributes.
Enabled the ability to edit a user's display name.
Added support for configuring user attributes to a list of predefined values which will display a dropdown list instead of free text input.
The Add User screen now includes the ability to set attributes on the user during user creation.
New Validity Period activity setting that can be used to automatically populate an Expiry Date for an activity based on the configured length of time.
Fixed a glitch where required activity attributes would become duplicated when saving activity changes.
New Learner Journal CMS Component that can be added to a page and used for learners to log hours against a date or record journal entries. Useful for On-The-Job Training or other reflective activities.
Added support for the Feedback CMS Component to be set against a range of values (i.e. Score less than, greater than or between two numbers).
Expands Bulk Upload functionality to include the ability for administrators to upload and import historical completion data from a CSV file.
Added a check to Workflow builder for existing CMS page content with the ability to automatically migrate to a workflow.
Added a new Reset action to the Workflow builder that can be used to create a new registration and reset the state/status of a page.
Fixed an issue where certain CMS property changes weren't getting saved/restored correctly on multi-screen templates.
Improved performance of processing enrolment changes in the back-end for large groups of individual members.
New Activity Workflow content-type that allows the creation of an activity that will launch different content depending on what step of the workflow the user is at. This is useful for:
Building manager and admin approval-flows where a registration form can be built to accept an expression of interest.
Attaching arbitrary notifications to any events that may occur when the learner interacts with the content.
Sending the content to a manager or trainer to be sighted and confirmed before the completion is awarded.
Added the ability to export and embed CMS learning content on an external site (or within another learning module) by generating a code snippet that can be copy/pasted.
Email notifications now have a new placeholder value for dynamically injecting the date the notification was triggered –
{{Notification Date FORMAT}}
Fixed a bug where the CMS Feedback component would not show dynamic feedback for quiz failures.
Fixed a few sporadic glitches with changes to CMS properties not persisting after saving.
Fixed a rendering issue when the CMS Accordion component contained extremely long text.
New Sessions Table CMS component that can be used for adding a list of F2F Sessions to a custom CMS page (either by event or by selecting individual sessions).
Added a new Breadcrumbs CMS component that can be added to a hierarchy page and will link back to each parent in the hierarchy.
Added support for copy/pasting CMS components across browser tabs and multi-screen activities.
The Learning Hub Rating and Feedback form can now be configured on or off for specific activities when completed or removed from self-registration.
User Self-Registration forms can now be configured to contain dropdown selections so user attributes will be selected from a pre-configured list.
Fixed an error with the Face-to-Face Session screen not rendering correctly when the Session did not include a venue location.
Fixed a glitch where searching the Learning Hub catalog and navigating away before the results are displayed would jump the user back to the catalog screen when the results became available.
Added support for Manager dashboard that contain large numbers of learning activities (more than 50) that were failing due to the request URL exceeding browser limitations.
Fixed a bug with the Learning Hub custom help link not working correctly.
Added Safari and Firefox support to the CMS editor.
Various fixes to CMS styles disappearing or not being copy and pasted correctly.
New Drag + Drop Matching question type that can be used to sort and classify items into categories or buckets.
Email notifications can now have the learner removed as a recipient making it possible to send notifications to just a manager or custom email address.
Enabled the ability to search for activities by unique attribute instead of just by name.
Activity search filters can now filter by either Events, Sessions or both.
Adding attachments to an activity now allows the ability to upload a new file at the same time.
Ownership and sharing controls have been added to Reports so that each user will only see reports they have created or that have been shared with them.
All types of Reports can now be deleted.
Fixed a number of issues with completion dashboards not working correctly when drilled down into the child of a module.
Changed the bulk import (for users and activities) to perform case-insensitive lookups of resources.
Fixed a permission error when attempting to update users from the ClearXP admin interface.
Updated the Analytics Reporting panel for an activity to include the following:
A completion summary for all enrolled users as well as all historical completions
A filterable and exportable completion table of all users who have completed the training module
A drill-down assessments table that shows the pass rate of each question in the module along with the distribution of responses for that question.
The Social Feed component can now be configured to be filtered by a user's attributes so that they will only see posts from users in the same location of them.
Moderators of the Social Feed are now able to award Rewards to users based on messages they have posted. These rewards can then be linked to additional points or vouchers.
A new Notifications component that can be added to a page to show any notifications the user has received. This can also be filtered by attributes to only include notifications received for certain activities
Added a new Search component that can be used to search for activities in the system and which is also filterable by tags.
New Decoration style options to set a component's background colour to a gradient (linear or radial).
New FX style options for adding transitions and transformations to components – this means a component can be scaled or rotated on hover and an animation can be set to transition between the two states.
The Divider component can now have styles applied.
The Accordion and Tabs components are now more style-able including custom colours and font sizes.
Uploading images to activities now supports generating thumbnails as non-JPG types, i.e. uploading a PNG will generate a PNG thumbnail whilst preserving transparency.
A new Star Rating CMS component has been added that can be included in CMS quizzes to collect a feedback rating against a custom question. This can also be added to the Social Feed component for collecting ratings against the page activity itself.
Checklists have now been updated to respect expiration rules so that when the checklist is expired, all items within the checklist will also become unticked.
New permission options have been added to disabled editing of notifications on event and session screens.
Added support for latest Chrome release (84) that now enforces stricter security and cookie access.
Changed the design fo the ClearXP navigation menu so that long menu item now get wrapped onto multiple lines instead of cut-off.
Fixed a UI issue where removing an individual from an enrolment wasn't highlighting that enrolment as having unsaved changes.
Fixed an enrolment processing issue where enrolment change logic wasn't working correctly when only individuals had been added to the enrolment.
Now clears attachments state when posting subsequent messages in a row to a social feed component.
Fixed a UI glitch where removing a permission from the Roles permissions table wasn't updating the table despite the permission being removed in the back-end.
Added support for copying across notifications and setting overrides (registration and cancellation open/close dates) when cloning sessions.
The CMS Social Feed component now supports adding comments as replies to social posts to encourage learners to provide feedback on their colleagues responses.
New Rewards functionality which can be used to award users with a reward based on configurable rules (such as completing an activity, achieving a high score, posting or sharing social content, etc.). Rewards can be embedded in CMS content and can contain an optional voucher code that will be displayed once the user has earned the reward.
Email notifications are now now be customised by audience allowing the configuration of different messages/subjects and CC options to be used depending on which learner is receiving the notification.
New CMS Carousel component that allows any arbitrary content to be added to a carousel including text, images and video.
Fixed an issue where the pre-requisite option on module hierarchies wasn't getting restored correctly when multiple activities were selected.
The Social Feed component now supports Like functionality so users can choose to like a post in the feed.
Adds trigger to the CMS to be able to perform an action (such as showing content) when a video on the page finishes.
Adds the ability for the Feedback component to display dynamic feedback on a trigger without a dynamic parameter.
The facilitator view of the Learning Hub Session screen now displays email addresses next to each registered participant.
Back-end performance enhancements to points accumulation and leaderboard generation.
Fixed an issue where the Report CMS component wasn't displaying quiz responses when embedded in a Section component.
New Social Feed CMS component added to allow embedding of a social timeline within learning content including:
Users able to post messages visible to other people enrolled in the same learning.
Users able to upload and attach media to their posts such as photos and videos.
Support for users to be nominated as moderators with the ability to remove posts.
Fixed an issue where restoring a report that was grouping on activities with the Top depth wouldn't correctly restore the depth option.
Fixes height issues with the Card Reveal content not expanding to fill content height.
Added the ability to create and invite users within the admin interface (previously CSV Import and Single-Sign-On were the only ways to add new users).
CMS Quiz component now support the ability for response fields to be attached to the activity's completion. This means that uploading a document can now be attached to the completion as supporting evidence and this attachment will appear alongside the completion in the Learning Hub.
Many CMS enhancements, including:
The ability to attach events to components that will trigger actions to occur. For example, a button can be added to the page that will trigger the activity to be closed when clicked.
The Quiz component now contains a Pass Grade option and will send success/failure tracking when the aggregate score of all responses is below the pass grade.
The Feedback component can now be set to appear after a quiz submission and contains new options to display feedback on pass/fail.
Added the ability to create text links that will launch an activity.
A new Card Reveal (aka Flip Card) component has been added that will flip over and reveal more content when clicked.
CMS activities can now be configured to be marked as completed when viewed (instead of just on quiz submission).
Email notifications now have new options to customise the Reply-To name and address.
Fixed an issue where CMS mobile/tablet-specific styles would get wiped when reloading a page.
Changed logic when calculating summary percentages for Learning Hub Dashboards so that children of module hierarchies won't be counted if the parent module is marked as unregistered.
Fixed a live sync issue where the Learning Hub Activity Completion overlay would sometimes appear multiple times for the same completion.
Fixed an error that was occurring when trying to update the content of a newly created activity when that activity hadn't first been saved.
Last updated
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